Clear Quartz Crystals on either side of the heart is a source of pure energy which receives, activates, stores, transmits and amplifies the energy of LOVE, symbolized by the large Heart.
A single Smokey Quartz Crystal symbolizes protection and reminds the wearer to ground herself and dissipate negativity in the face of difficulties.
The Rhodium Heart is plated with a hard metal plating more resistant to corrosion than precious metals, and signifies its indestructible enduring strength, no matter what it encounters. A heart of this nature enables the wearer to shine and reflect her own inner light and love.
The Sterling Silver clasp is symbolic of the feminine principle, (gold as masculine), which reinforces the attributes associated with the heart - gentle, helpful, encouraging, healing, nurturing and so forth.
Four Rhodium Prayer Beads denote a meditative awareness.
Optional: Sterling Silver Heart and Prayer Beads.